I'm just waiting for whats coming next haihhh.... But HEY at least I got the time to write this ish! You should be proud of mehh :D Hahahaha so anyways, imma start the facts now... Lets try 10? Is that enough? Nahh even if its not or too enough, its my post so its my decision hahaha dont hate me I love you :*
1) I Love Food
So, I love food. Food is life, food is love, food is everything. Food is my bae, my heart, my blood, my breathe, my everything. I cant live without food in fact no one can (especially ME and maybe some other peeps but for now, ME) Hahaha so basically, I love rice. I can eat rice 4 times a day or i eat something else but eat rice after cause I just love rice. For example, if i have not eaten rice for a day then at night, I WILL SEARCH FOR RICE! In conclusion, I LOVE EATING.
2) PINK = ME
Pink is so damn me. I swear if u wanna buy me something, MAKE SURE ITS PINK! But though, I dont really fancy hot pink cause it doesn't suit me that well... And I actually love light purple too... BUT WHATEVER! Most of the things that belongs to me is pink... If you guys hate pink then blame my mom cause she made me love it but if u love pink too or ure okay with it then bruh bruh lemme tell u somethin'... WE ARE BROS MAN WE BROS! BROS! Okay.. I aint a thug..
3) I am Really Hairy
WOPP HOLD ON THERE! HOLD ON! DONT START THE JUDGIN'! DONT START THE DIRTY TALKIN'! LET THE MARSYA EXPLAIN! I am hairy as in I have a lot of hair on my body... Like, every part of my body consists hair... DONT TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY MAN! CHILL ON WITH THE PORN! (yea, i'm just tryin to make a rhyme hehe) Its the genes... My mom is hairy so I got her genes hehe so to all the guys out there, IM A TOTAL TURNOFF I KNOW... #foreveralone

4) Judgmental Much?
Well, I bet u think I would say that I hate judgmental people and yes I do BUT that's not the fact... The fact is, I can be quite judgmental...... DONT HATE ME YET! I did say "quite" so i'm not THAT judgmental... Its just that when I see ugly people (as in the inner beauty not the outer beauty) I judge them because sometimes I hate those types of people.. For example, Muslims that DON'T act like a Muslim... I mean come on man, who wont judge if u're a horrible person but calls yourself a Muslim.. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF -.- (i'm sorry I just cant deal with this)
5) Weird as F
Nope, I did not say the bad word, u said it :D Hahaha well that word is just used to emphasise the word WEIRD! I am really really really weird.. If u are ordered to write a list of things of ur friend, Marsya, over here then weird would TOTALLY be in that list... I dont actually know why i'm weird but I just am. Mayve because I hangout with weird people all my life.. Sorry besties love yah!
6) Decision is My Kind Of Ex
Ex is someone that you want to get away from and never get near to right? Well let's just say "decision" means ex in this post... I HATE DECISIONS or to be more precise I HATE MAKING DECISIONS! I swear if u ask me even the easiest yes or no question, it would be like a life or death question to me cause decisions wont ever come near me... So, basically I cannot make decisions cause it never comes......... #weirdaf

7) Pharrel William's Hit
i'm Happy! Yes, i am Happy... Every week, every day and every hour!
Hahahaha well basically what i'm trying to state here is that I am
always happy! Well yea, I can get sad sometimes or stressed but i can
consider myself as the happiest person on Earth cause I rarely get
sad...... And even if I get sad, I could get back to being happy in no
time :D Except if i'm having my PMS or facing a relationship
(friends/family/boyfriends) problem........
8) Falling is ABC
Falling... ABC... Hm, I fall for someone so easily... As easy as
ABC...You could just do the tiniest thing and the next day, I can
already be all obsessed with you...Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating but yea
its somewhat like that... For example, my current crush, I fell for him
JUST because he said "hi" to me in the canteen one time... And I dont
even know him that time... It gets worse though, HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW
ME! But then, the effort he showed to say hi to me, melted my heart and
yeap, I fell... HARD! Its been 4 months now... That I like him... You
may judge... Hm.....
9) 10+ Crushes but Still A Half
Let me explain this... I have liked more than 10 guys in my life and maybe fell in love with 2/3 of them but I am still single... My other half has not been found yet hahaha Well at least liking more than 10 guys dont make me a slut because I just LIKE them, not BE IN A RELATIONSHIP with them duhhhhh -.- #peacenowar
10) Drama Queen
WELL PFT OBVIOUSLY IMMA DRAMA QUEEN LIKE WHUUUUT?! PFFTTT! Hahaha so let me just share something, if u are my best friend, u would totally be so annoyed with me sometimes (but u would still love me though cause i'm awesome) because I could overreact with the little things that u tell me... Its not because I looooove to be dramatic, its just that I looooove to act! Okay, let me explain that, I love drama or acting, basically if someone offers me a job as an actor I would consider in taking the job... SO maybe that explains why people say i'm a drama queen? And also, MY MUMMY IS ALSO LIDDIS SO AGAIN BLAME THE GENES :P
Hm, so, in my opinion, what I think, at the end of this post, u would totally HATE me... Just by knowing me better makes u regret to even want to know me or be friends with me... But heyyy if u dont then I love you man, we bros forever man, BROS FOR LIFE! Hahaha thanks for reading this post... I think its the longest though... So, goodbye and watlekwatpis! PS :